
Dr. Judith M. Newman


In addition to fiction we all read a great deal of exposition. Expository writing presents challenges of its own. Usually the biggest hurdle is unfamiliar words and concepts. We often are reading exposition "to learn." Consequently we generally don't have a lot of pragmatic or background information to bring to the text. That affects our dependence on the other cueing systems.

The interesting thing is, however, that reading can be its own teacher—that is authors build texts to clarify what they anticipate to be unfamiliar words and concepts. In this set of activities we'll explore some strategies for handling exposition.

Do each of the activities. Then freewrite about your thoughts, questions, connections, insights into reading and learning that the activities taken together raised for you. Post your freewrite on the listserv.

  • ACTIVITY 1 – Unfamiliar Vocabulary
  • ACTIVITY 2 – Heavy Conceptual Load
  • ACTIVITY 3 – Text Sets
  • ACTIVITY 4 – Structural Organization