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Artist ~ Arlene Christmas

Arlene Christmas is an oil painter and graphic artist living in Membertou. She was from a Maliseet tribe in New Brunswick and moved to Cape Breton when she was married. With respect to training, Arlene did not take any art courses during her secondary schooling, however, she has taken various courses from the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design in different fields. Arlene has also studied graphics privately and is now training to use photoshop programs.

Oil medium paintings is a seasonal work for Arlene and during the off-season her work concentrates more on graphics. A difficulty Arlene has is trying to finance training and equipment for her work. Exposure is another problem as she feels there is a lack of opportunity in Cape Breton in the fine art field. Arlene's work gains much more exposure in Toronto and Ottawa as she finds there is no market for native fine art in this province.

In terms of income, only a small portion is generated from Arlene's artistic work. Her work is more of a sideline for the family rather than a main source. Most of the income from her work results from gallery shows as well as taking her work outside of Cape Breton for sale. Arlene distributes to shows for native artists in addition to annual art exhibits in Toronto, Ottawa and Vancouver. She does not distribute to many areas within Cape Breton. Some of her work is sold in Membertou, Center Bras D'Or as well as some companies and business on first nations. Her supplies come primarily from Halifax and a small portion is ordered from the U.S.

Although Arlene has not yet shown her work at the U.C.C.B. Art Gallery, she believes that the gallery has been very beneficial to artists whom have shown. Arlene feels the art industry in Cape Breton has seen improvements and changes due to the gallery at U.C.C.B., Insight Gallery and Centre Bras D'Or.

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