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Visual Arts in the
Cape Breton Economy

Artist ~ Gordon Kennedy

Iron Art

A popular figure on the St. Anne's Loop in Cape Breton, Gordon Kennedy was born and raised in New Westminister, British Columbia. He trained as a sculptor at the Vancouver Arts School, but as a blaccksmith he is self-taught. As a high school student, Gordon was exposed to courses in drawing, stage, and culture which had an direct influence on his pursuing his present vocation.

Gordon settled in Cape Breton with his wife, renowned photographer Carol Kennedy, and son after searching for a place where they could have a pleasant life. Both Kennedys are very content in their present location where income, or lack of, is not a major issue with the people there. Although Gordon gets some of his materials from Halifax and Ontario, most of them are acquired locally.

One hundred percent of Gordon Kennedy's livelihood comes from sales of his art, most of which is bought by tourists. Being very understanding of the constraints of the Cape Breton economy, Gordon is pleased to have sold some of his works to local buyers, mainly from the Sydney area.

When asked about what has changed for artists in Cape Breton, Gordon was very enthusiastic about the new art gallery at the University College of Cape Breton and its curator, Beryl Davis, whose presence have resulted in an environment for artists where they can now more easily exhibit their works and meet with each other. In addition, The Centre Bras d'Or has provided a locaton for showcasing local artists' works. Although Gordon hasn't seen a great deal of change in the last few years in the number of tourists who visit his place, he finds the St. Anne's Loop to be a definite draw.

Not only is Gordon fulfilling his dream of being a fulltime artist, he is also enhancing the economy of the area in which he lives. By employing a number of people and buying from local merchants whenever possible, he is indeed a valuable member of the Cape Breton community. ]

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