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Visual Arts in the
Cape Breton Economy

Artist ~ Judith Wardwell

Judy Wardwell is a textile artist living in Big Baddeck. She is originally from the United States and has made Cape Breton her home for quite some time. While Judy lived in the U.S., she took some courses in weaving and took additional courses from a private instructor in Cape Breton as well as courses from the Center for Art and Design. Judy's work in dyeing was self taught and her interest in the arts is something she pursued after high school.

In terms of Cape Breton and the arts, Judy feel there are lack of venues in the area and another difficulty is the short season. Both issues pose problems for artists in the community. Approximately twenty percent of Judy's income comes from her work with equal portions generated from locals, tourists and gallery shows. She distributes her work at the Center Bras D'Or Art Gallery in Baddeck and does not feel there is sufficient opportunity to showcase her work in this area. Judy's supplies come from Vancouver and Ontario because they offer good silks. The dyes Judy uses come from the U.S. as do some of the cotton products.

Judy feels the state of the arts in Cape Breton have improved over the years. There now are high quality products being produced in this area. As an artist, the fact that the industry has improved, quality of work enhanced and an increased awareness has been beneficial to the arts. A concern Judy has is that art supplies to Cape Breton may become limited because of a fear of the possibility of toxic substances being contained in the supplies. A limitation of this nature would be detrimental to the artist industry.

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